like the ship of theseus…
this painting keeps changing!I hang paintings crookedly from the walls of the shoebox, so I can figure out how to finish them!You'll be amazed how many different ways these paintings can turn out...Much like the Ship of Theseus -- is this the same piece OR a new piece?? (Hayden and I pondered this yesterday).I've been working on some of these pieces for a long time, and wouldn't say any of them are complete JUST yet (soon though, very soon). My goal is to have a set of five or six of these.come away with me (in progress)come away with me and details (both in progress)Before.
I can't decide if I like it better before or after, but the thing is -- this piece started off as a dull, muted landscape (probably two years ago) and adding all of the bright details became confusing. The colors didn't pop as much, so I decided to brighten the entire piece.Details..
**Which do you prefer? And keep in mind -- it's not quite finished yet -- so who knows where it could go!?