Last week I wrote about a gray sunrise and morning light at 5:00 am.This weekend I watched a beautiful sunset around 8:oo pm.I started off on the roof...(7:45ish)...but I couldn't see the sunset through the buildings...
So I decided to chase the light...(8:00ish)
I missed the sun, but stayed to watch the fading sky. (around 8:00)
And it was beautiful.
All of the subtle changes as each minute passed.
I found a bench to lie on and looked up at the cotton candy colors...
I also looked out...
...and thought about the sunrise across the world.
I wondered what she was thinking as she looked out...
The first star looked so small in the big sky.
It still had to compete with the light on the horizon.
It did get brighter ~ along with the lights of New Jersey.
Two birds glided along the river and I decided to go back to the kitties.
I wonder what the sunset looked like for all of you!