hidden gems of the upper east side
It's coming on three years that I've been in New York. Since I've lived here, I've primarily lived on the "Upper East Side". Most people associate this neighborhood with Gossip Girl and being ridiculously wealthy. Some people associate it with being boring and far away. I find it somewhere in the middle, it was reasonably priced (esp. if you live with a 65-year old lady) and quiet, and I know nothing about the show to tell you if the neighborhood was correctly depicted.What I can tell you is that the area I lived in was mostly filled with families with dogs, people with canes, and bodegas (corner stores) with interesting candy. I was also close to the river which had a very pretty view of the bridges that connect the burroughs on the East Side (Queens and Brooklyn). I enjoyed rollerblading, getting a morning coffee, and taking the train to Grand Central Station, but my favorite part of living there was a tiny, quirky store with on the 1st Avenue by 88th Street.This store is the real gem of the UES. Crowded and full of treasures. It's best to go there by yourself and with no bags. There really isn't room for more. The store was often open during odd hours (i.e. Tuesday night at 11:30 pm), with people picking at tiny pieces of jewelry and lamps or it's owner (he lives upstairs) talking about bookshelves and old paintings.** How could you not want to take a peek?Especially with this doll beckoning you in?
"Come hither! This store is filled with treasures!"
And lamps!
Look at all of these fun things? This place reminds me of my house growing up! Cluttered, cramped, but oh-so-fun!
And filled with pretty things.
It's definitely something to write home about!
If you're ever in the neighborhood. Check it out. I will certainly miss it!and dear owner, thanks for letting me take photos! :)