hot summer fun
I can't believe it's August. I feel like it was yesterday when I was writing that same sentence about July.Summer is flying by and I can tell the seasons are starting to shift. Night falls slightly earlier than it did a few weeks ago. But it all passes so quickly, like this quick tune by Jaymay.What about the summer that's about to fallWhat about the winter that's about to springbtw, if you don't check out Daytrotter - you should. It's a great weekly source of new tunes!**This has been a wonderful summer. Here are some of the ways I've spent the past few weekends...Looking at pretty the ocean...bright colorful umbrellas...
colorful notes...
and lots of flowers...from Long Beach
to Kansas City,
to Union Square.
Looking at rusty fire hydrants...
and train tracks...
Catching quick photos on the train...of buses...
and birds.
People the beach...
the boardwalk...
and outside the train station.
Yesterday the clouds told me how to have some "hot summer fun"
so I played with some shadows
And left some hearts.
A few weekends left in August. And I plan on spending as much time outside as possible!that said. fall will bring many fun things! (exploring a new neighborhood, football, apple picking, and changing leaves!)Hope you're having a fantastic summer!