hipstamatic and snow...
yeah. that's right. i got the "hipstamatic" app for my phone and have to admit, it's pretty fun. i figured this will be fun to play with until i get myself a diana or holga camera. right now i just can't decide which one i want! all i know is that i love the dreamy look from film photos.pardon the grain on some of the darker photos!3D glasses...
Karaoke in Harlem -- actually, quite fun.
new york got another snow dump yesterday, which means another day of trudging through this disgusting "soup" (per Julian) as the snow melts.at least it was pretty this morning...
if only i had time to make this snow pile a snow castle like the sign! ;)
oil and snow rainbows are actually quite pretty...
**i won't lie, these gray days have been getting me down, but i have been trying to beat the winter blues. so far the best medicine has been good conversation, laughing, films, vitamin d, and starting new projects.in fact, this weekend i plan on starting something inspired by the movie, Wasteland, and my silly imagination.and the most exciting thing yet - my painting class starts on Monday. I'm excited and a little nervous, but mostly I just can't wait to create.maybe i'll paint myself a little paradise!have a wonderful weekend!xo