Posts tagged winter
winter to spring

//pictured: the last of the ice storms, our new bodega kitty!, an evening at the brooklyn bazaar, a bad day for a crab at the beach, the kick-off for the living room concert series, the best reason to take a slightly longer lunch break, and the ultimate sign that we actually have transitioned to spring. tulips.

not pictured: the dancing empanada at the bb, bringing kitty spa to the bodega and clipping his nails, writing a haiku while picking sea shells, dancing on the empty stage art piece, the amazing talented voices of the performers of the lrcs, girly giggles as we imagined her perfect day, and transitions of the ♥. full set



Uncategorizedkimny, winter
A Grayscale Morning on Metropolitan Ave

*I think I prefer this tree in color. 

Uncategorizedkimbrooklyn, winter
Christmas in Wisconsin

It's never too late to post photos, right? Right.

Uncategorizedkimholidays, winter
february not forgotten

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// this month seemed long, albeit short. i kept referring to it as "forgotten february" because most days were spent watching downton or sleeping thanks to a nagging (and still lingering) cough. but february was not forgotten. many bits were saved on the camera. in no particular order (and not matching the photos) i can say that it was a month of snow. and rain. and then snow (and skiing!) there was a midnight walk through prospect park which included running through a very dark (as in pitch black) tunnel {i screamed}. the cats were equal parts annoying and cute ... caesar has now taken to only drinking out of the faucet and waking to falling objects by a hungry cat knocking them off the mantle definitely tested some patience. pancakes were made the french way and sausage was made by hand. photos of both of these food events to comehere. oh! and there was a delicious delivery from portland. cookies with a message that made me smile. thank YOU dear friend, i also love y-o-u. not pictured: late nights at the office enjoying "mckinsey's" 

anatidae. winter sun. blue skies. frozen falls.

 // i got a new camera (thank you ♥) and it is da. bomb.

Uncategorizedkimbrooklyn, winter
the weekend(s) leading up to christmas

// bursts of color help to brighten the gray days // silhouettes // diners // lights and fog // rain // many variations on the christmas tree // miscellaneous from the streets of new york this holiday season

Uncategorizedkimny, winter

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hipstamatic and snow...

yeah. that's right. i got the "hipstamatic" app for my phone and have to admit, it's pretty fun. i figured this will be fun to play with until i get myself a diana or holga camera. right now i just can't decide which one i want! all i know is that i love the dreamy look from film photos.pardon the grain on some of the darker photos!3D glasses...Karaoke in Harlem -- actually, quite york got another snow dump yesterday, which means another day of trudging through this disgusting "soup" (per Julian) as the snow least it was pretty this morning...if only i had time to make this snow pile a snow castle like the sign! ;)oil and snow rainbows are actually quite pretty...**i won't lie, these gray days have been getting me down, but i have been trying to beat the winter blues. so far the best medicine has been good conversation, laughing, films, vitamin d, and starting new fact, this weekend i plan on starting something inspired by the movie, Wasteland, and my silly imagination.and the most exciting thing yet - my painting class starts on Monday. I'm excited and a little nervous, but mostly I just can't wait to create.maybe i'll paint myself a little paradise!have a wonderful weekend!xo

Uncategorizedkimny, winter
snow and a little bit of color...

We had a snowstorm this week, but we did not have a snow day. *boo*Fat, fluffy flakes fell from the sky.Hayden and I went to the park and watched the snow, catching flakes on our gloves, looking at all of their pretty points. So far, I am not a huge fan of January. It's too cold. Sure, I like the snow, but I need summer's color.I got an awesome sketchbook **thank you** and decided to brighten the day.*Hope you're all staying warm this winter!Have a wonderful weekend, I'll be finishing some paintings and may go sledding. :)xo

Uncategorizedkimfriends, winter
now that it's snowing... know what that means!leaving hearts on cars! :)photo (1)photo (2)photo

Uncategorizedkimlove, winter
nyc winter cabbage

NYC is constantly sprucing up the neighborhoods with flowers - tulips in the spring and hydrangeas in the summer. But they don't stop there, in the winter you will not go down a street without seeing some purple and green cabbage.This morning, I was distracted by big, fat rain drops on these pretty purple leaves...cabbagecabbage4cabbage5 cabbage3cabbage2cabbage6Who knew cabbage be so pretty?Even though I had a crabby morning, I'm glad I took these pretty photos!

Uncategorizedkimflowers, ny, winter