class painting
My class started last night! I think it's going to be great -- and now makes me look forward to Mondays - instead of the Sunday night dread (remember that from childhood?) Not to mention I get to work in a HUGE space instead of my shoebox apartment!It's an abstract painting class with a very "loose" syllabus -- he just wants us to paint. Which is perfect -- since I just want to create. Still, there are things that I want to work on including my impulsive reactions to just "add things here and there" without really thinking through it. But I also know that I have several paintings on my walls that I've been staring at for a year. I hope to find a balance!The great thing is is that I can take these pieces in and work on them.My goal - take them in and finish them.Here are some pics from last night - pardon the blur - they are from the phone. I was so nervous at first that my hands were shaking!stepping back to look at the piece. and not just backing away from it, as that's just "making the piece smaller", but turning around and looking at it after you've walked away. And imagining what you'd see if you saw the piece hanging on a wall.
dried paint tray art!
and here's where i left it - for now...
My favorite thing about this class so far, being able to paint and zone out to music.Enjoy!