started in 2011...
completed in 2015...
started in 2011...
completed in 2015...
Just a little place for the fall.
**Painting is my happy place. I love creating little worlds to dream in. I have several paintings to share, but these two are the most recent ones. These were dreamt up after hiking around caves in Iowa.
//Happy New Year!This was a painting I did for my dear friend, Calee. Yay to long-lasting friendships and her wonderful, bright, creative soul.♡
some new work in progress....
this painting, is finally finished and sent off. i hope it's enjoyed as much as i enjoy reading adventures of life on this beautiful farm.
finished. finally.
i'm usually unsure about "naming" my paintings, but the second i uploaded these photos; these lyrics came to my mind.
**Since Josh was getting older and moving away, I wanted to do something special. I decided to make a painting that all the friends could have. The night of the birthday/goodbye party, I carried scissors in my pocket, split the painting, and gave a piece to everyone. Also, our cat has a new toy...a baby sling that we carry her in. She also loves paint brushes.
friday night i participated in citydrift. i set up a blank canvas with art supplies and encouraged everyone to add something. it was fun to see what different people brought to the canvas; some things were recognizable, some not, people painted over things, added to existing things, and so much more. layers upon layers now live on this canvas. at the end of the night, the canvas was cut up and given me, this canvas represents what life can be like. we all have layers upon layers of stories and life and we take bits and pieces with us. there are moments we wish we could freeze and sustain, but there can be real beauty in being fluid with change. to just be with what is. there can also be real beauty in sharing our stories.if you're interested in having a piece of the canvas, let me know and i will gladly give you one. thank you to everyone who participated.
p.s. i forgot to mention that participants were able to paint surrounded by bubbles and balloons... **here are some photos from the event. it started with a beautiful sky...after awhile, we did our own drifting to look at other installations...the night ended with this beautiful installation. this was a man made out of driftwood, filled with thoughts for loved ones we've lost. we were to write a note, fold it up, add it to the man, and seal it with beeswax. it was very moving.** full set
if you're in nyc and looking for something to do on a friday night, consider drifting...*the details of my piece are purposely loose, just show up and....
better photos to come soon...
**This is a photo I did for Ms. Jenna a few years ago, but didn't document it. I'm glad I finally did. This was one of my favorites!The poem is by Brian Andreas.