Visions Mural pt. 3
Last night I had my volunteering at Visions and we started putting the pieces of our mural together. Our goal is to assemble the entire thing by March 23, so it's ready for the "class party." The team leaders and I will hand stitch the pieces together. We each took a "finished" row and will stitch all the sewn rows together before the last class.I am so excited about the way this project turned out and think it was a huge success! I'm constantly amazed at the creativity of the students and am so happy to work with them. I'd like to do this project again, but this time painting "mini murals" so the students can take them home (this was their request!). I know it's a big goal, but maybe I can finish them before the next semester begins.Here are the latest pictures!Enjoy!***It all started with this sketch...**And then turned to a watercolor...*
*Then to the painting...*
*Once the pieces were cut, we had lots of creativity!**Now we're putting it all together...*
*Good thing we numbered these!*
I love how creative the students were!*birds, suns, stars, moons, hearts, and glitter for buildings*
*trees of buttons, surrounded by flowers*
*Rainbows, boats, and lots of moons!*
*But it's really coming together!**You can really see their personalities in each piece*
**Sorry for the blur, I was just so excited!**
I can't wait to see what the finished piece turns out to be!