Traveling Along..
Tomorrow morning, I will be headed to Poteau, Oklahoma!I'm really excited to get a break from the city! Believe it or not, Oklahoma is beautiful. Blankets of stars and open skies!And cattle!I'm going to visit one of my best girlfriends from college, Mary!We've come a long way from days of carving pumpkins by recycling!
Now Mary has her own little pumpkin! Or as I like to call her, our little peach!Last spring, I visited Mary and we went hiking...
And I painted a mural for Georgia Faith..
...with my favorite...butterflies!
Tomorrow is special because I get to meet Georgia! And she gets to meet "Auntie Kim!"Since I've been back to loving butterflies, I decided that my butterflies will follow me on this journey.They've already seen some of the city!From 86 Street...(i didn't have time to snap a close-up, since I was going to miss the train!)
To the subway...
To subway maps..
To walkway from Grand Central to the shuttle...
I have a bunch of butterflies that will follow me all the way to Oklahoma!I'll be sure to share their adventures (and my own!).Have a great week!xo