lunchtime light
The weather has been perfect. said this weekend would have "abundant sunshine".Awesome.Normally I go to the gym for lunch, but since it's so nice I've been spending my break going to Central Park soaking in the sun and taking photos.Here are some things I saw yesterday.Abundant sunshine!And people enjoying it while I hid behind this tree trunk!
Fallen leaves that look like little islands...
View from my camera while I was walking.
I wanted to sit on this bench, but I had to get back...
I still kept snapping photos and noticing cool the details from this statue...
and this bee getting some lunch!
Escalators kind of make me dizzy..
As I waited for the train, I left reminders of love.
Above ground, I saw another person's message to the world.(p.s. this was right in front of the NY Times building)
But the flowers at my corner bodega always make me smile!
And so does the guy selling them!
Here's a little bouquet for all of my faraway friends!
Don't forget to take a moment to smell the flowers!xo