birds of a feather…
....flock all of my awesome, colorful friends; I like eclectic, colorful birds!did i mention swamp birds are my favorite? ~ especially the snowy egret.I'm pretty sure in another life, I was a bird. ;)i love all animals and nature.this weekend i saw lots of both!**saturday morning i was greeted by a pigeon and squirrel..a really curious one.
i think he strayed from his friends.there were so many squirrels - they must have been having a nut gathering.
i saw some fun shadows on my walk to meet amy.
we met up and went to the park...where she told me the names of the different types of birds.hello mr. bluejay!
and ms. chickadee! (there were lots of people out resting!)
ms. chickadee decided to say hello to the red wing blackbird...or maybe she was saying bye bye blackbird...;)this little birdy said hello while i rested on the bench.(we didn't know what kind he was...)
maybe he wanted to say hello to the bird on my bag. ;)
after we watched the birds, we decided to walk around.but not before i pointed some love to the trees...
we walked in the Shakespeare garden...
...and by the castle..
where we saw mother goose protecting her eggs.
**it was a beautiful day!it was so colorful and bright..almost like the Columbus circle station.
hope you had a lovely, beautiful, bright, colorful holiday weekend!!