// flower season is in full bloom and i am loving it. not pictured - devouring the amazing bread and butter and other amazing foods at flatbush farm, but seriously -- the butter. YUM. and the great conversations about life and love and daydreaming about which townhouse all of our friends could live in. ♥♥
// little known fact about the street from the last photo....besides holding my lovely fence flowers, it's also the street that clementine and joely drive on in eternal sunshine for the spotless mind (one of my favorite movies ever). it's in the scene where they are driving away from her house after she picks up her toothbrush. the houses are on the passenger side, but you can see the hess gas station that had these lines after sandy.
// i absolutely love springtime and this golden, evening light. the little white and purple flowers made me think of magical forests, so much so that i laid on the ground to take photos and imagined climbing to the veeeeery-tippy-top of the trees. ⚘
ivy // a view from a tall apartment in the financial district // morning glories // an afternoon on the fire escape with a lazy kitty, curious kitty, and fast squirrel // bricks and flowers // the Highline // a trip to the little red lighthouse past the george washington bridge, including the kitty by the water...
The roses are almost gone, but the hydrangeas are in full bloom. While I love, love, love the flowers; I can't help the nagging feeling of the shift. The summer heat lingers and the golden sun of June isn't quite as bright. The overgrowth of green and turning leaves. The air is hazy... I wish New York fell into the cool fall of the Midwest, but alas this place seems to have two seasons. Cold and Hot with a couple of weeks of Mild in between. But New York makes up in other ways. It's coming on five years of being here. Isn't that crazy?! It's been five years of "being a grown up". So much choice, so many thoughts, and so much change.Apparently their color is based on the pH levels of soil.
Pause.Take photos,
And breathe deeply...
Wonder about the owners of all of these cameos...
And wonder why these cats love sitting on lumps!
Feel silly. The other night I was painting and forgot to wash it off the next morning.
Daydream. It keeps me hopeful. This is a mural I did with the kids I volunteer with.
Laugh. Silly squirrel!
At least he's not wasteful!
NY bodegas (corner stores) are always full of flowers which is why it shocked me to see all of the flowers gone......but I was a lucky gal to receive my own bundle which are now prettifying my desk.thank you. ♥
p.s. RIP beautiful tree from my block (not pictured above). I will miss smelling the flowers and reaching up to feel your pretty leaves. p.p.s. I admit it, I was one of those people walking around the park after the storm...not the smartest idea in the world, but I couldn't stay cooped up any longer! p.p.p.s. Times Square now has Crumbs ... sweeeeet! (although, Butter Lane cupcakes are still the best)
August is in full bloom and summer is ending. I've been enjoying these fence flowers for the past few months. Standing on my tip toes to smell them, hoping I don't run into a bumble bee!Let's hope Irene doesn't blow away them away. New York folks - stay safe!
After a day at the farmer's market and visiting queen Lavi cat, I came home to work on a painting and relax with the fluffs. And now I must sleep for my early beach day with Joy!Xo
i love this little garden on my way to the train. i just wish there wasn't a locked fence, but that doesn't stop me from taking photos. if i see a pretty flower begging for attention, you'll find me reaching over the fence to take it's photo or just looking through the fence.
**while waiting for HT to bring the zipcard (which i stupidly forgot) to unlock the zipcar (awesome club to join), i hung out in the flowerbeds on 65 street where walkers are asked to curb their dogs. i stood dangerously close to the curbs, was almost tripped on several times, and may have put my hand in dog pee once, but couldn't help but look at these pretty flowers. once filled with winter cabbage, our city is now decorated with singing tulips and dancing pansies.who knew that dogs had the best view of the flora and the fauna?
This was a horrible week. One of those weeks where I wish I could have crawled up under a blanket of petals.Thankfully, it's the weekend!isn't spring beautiful?Happy Friday!xo
New York is beautiful today.Sunshine abound!This morning, I was a touch late to work - not because I woke up late - in fact, I woke up early!But because I was distracted on my walk to the train...it's hard to believe this same fence was filled with snow a few months ago!
now it seems to sing with love and spring...
**Have a wonderful Tuesday!xo