key west!!

on our way there..oh i love the sky...and puffy clouds!cloudsthe first thing we did was get cafe con leche. ;)this is the best coffee i've ever had!CAFEconlechewe did a lot of sunset watching on Mallory square.orangesunsetbagpipesatsunsetand people watching and shopping on Duval street.duvalstreetspeedtropicKey West has a lot of adorable cats.(most live at the Hemingway house and have 6-toes!)winkingcatbathcalicogrinningcatsleepywhitebut some are strays on the street...catbyfencepurrbut they are very friendly...snugglethey also hang out in the cemetery...catincemeterybut some are lucky enough to be pushed in strollers...catinstroller2catinstrollerKey West is also full of bright colorful flowers and houses!orchidlillyhibiscuscrazyflowerweddinghousefencetealOne night we took a boat ride and saw another sunset.seagullKey West also has some strange roosters..roosterandchickenand lost lizards...(i found this little guy inside!)lizardI couldn't go without seeing the one morning, I took a bike ride and left some hearts in the sand..heart

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