On a rare, warm, not-"February-gray" day, we went to the beach with these two love birds.
Nicole is one of my best friends ever. We met at an art project that I was team leading. She was nice and sweet, so naturally I asked her if she wanted to be friends. I remember volunteering together and getting brunch afterwards. Conversation flowed easily and we were like lightning bouncing ideas and moments off one another. We were both in similar situations of "figuring it out".
Through the years we've been there for each other and have grown so, so much.The memory of talking about real love and if we'd ever find it is still so clear in my mind. We went rollerblading in Central Park and our buns were burning as we climbed that north hill. "When it happens, it will happen like lightning. It will be quick, furious, frightening and wonderful," I told her, in between short breaths. Flying down the hill was always the best part.
A few weeks later, that very thing had happened. It may have taken her a moment to realize it, because one must be cautious when sharing the heart. But the moment I saw them together, I knew he was the perfect match. Both are tiny, with dynamic souls that stretch above and beyond and across time and space. Their love is the kind that shines like the sun. In the same way, you know rays will warm you, I know these two will always find each other. Because they are just meant to be. ❤
p.s. I cannot wait to see your fairy-tale wedding this fall!
//pictured: the last of the ice storms, our new bodega kitty!, an evening at the brooklyn bazaar, a bad day for a crab at the beach, the kick-off for the living room concert series, the best reason to take a slightly longer lunch break, and the ultimate sign that we actually have transitioned to spring. tulips.
not pictured: the dancing empanada at the bb, bringing kitty spa to the bodega and clipping his nails, writing a haiku while picking sea shells, dancing on the empty stage art piece, the amazing talented voices of the performers of the lrcs, girly giggles as we imagined her perfect day, and transitions of the ♥. full set
A couple of weeks ago, I took another midnight train to Montauk with a couple of gals who also decided to brave the weather. Admittedly, part of me wondered if we were crazy considering the forecast had storm clouds and lightening bolts for the entire day, but we were ready for an adventure come hell or high water; in our case I guess we meant this literally. But my little request to mother nature must have been heard (thank you!) because it did not rain from 4:00-7:00 am. It's during this time that the world begins to stir, but not enough to find a place of shelter.
When you take a midnight train (actually, 12:38-ish am) you arrive at "the end" (seriously, it's a stump) around 4:00 am. From there it's a nice, long walk to the beach. We ignored about 5-6 cabs honking and asking, "are you sure you don't need a ride - you don't even have to pay." We politely declined and explained that we were there to watch the sunrise. Normally, they'd just drive away, but considering the dense. gray. fog almost all of the cabbies surveyed the sky, our backpacks, shook their heads and drove away. It was a little crazy to arrive at the cold, dark beach at 4:45-ish am. The fog was so dense we could hardly see a thing, but the swelling sounds of crashing waves informed us how close the water was.
We did not see a sunrise, per-say, but we did see the light tilt and shift it's way from the darkest black, to purplish-orange, to a gray-blue, and eventually land on middle gray. By the time we left the beach, we realized we were soaked because the fog made it as if we were in a cloud. There was about an hour of wandering while waiting for the first diner to open, but the rest of the day was spent with dark and stormy's (oh-so-apropo), riding in the free trolly blasted with free coconut water signage (the new coffee coconut water = yum {I guess the ads worked}), a sun shower (okay, an actual rain-shower, but it didn't last that long), and discussing buddha cats and the purpose of life.
You know those days that you just. live. This was one of them and it was glorious, despite the rain.
Not pictured: Nicole getting feisty with the guy that started skateboarding on the train at 3:00 am when most people were sleeping. Everyone cheered after she yelled | Me swimming after having a couple of said, dark and stormy's | Oh, and the woman eating blueberries with chopsticks at the diner at 7:00 am. **
// little known fact about the street from the last photo....besides holding my lovely fence flowers, it's also the street that clementine and joely drive on in eternal sunshine for the spotless mind (one of my favorite movies ever). it's in the scene where they are driving away from her house after she picks up her toothbrush. the houses are on the passenger side, but you can see the hess gas station that had these lines after sandy.
**for the record, i was actually trying to take photos of all of those birds in flight. it was so pretty to see them swirling around, but i think he thought i was taking his photo - hence the last pose.
Yesterday was the first beach day of the season! It may not have been as sunny as I would have liked, but it was still very fun. Chasing the dog, playing in the sand, and climbing sand dunes. Who could ask for a better Sunday?Hooray for the long days and warm weather.
scavenging for shells, watching clams bury themselves into the sand, holding a starfish and saving it by giving it water (yes, really!), climbing rocks, random glass from the 1900's washing ashore, laughing, playing with shadows, taking a bow after making sand angels, and biting into a perfectly ripe peach.heavenly.
Cloudless skies and ocean air = simply divine.And going with new gal pals is even better, this one's especially hilarious.Thanks to Meg's book club, I now have three awesome gal pals. Amal, Joy, and Meg. But don't worry dear yammies...you are certainly not replaced! (Yams = you. are. (and always will be) my. sisters!)**
It was a wonderful weekend and quite adventurous! From Long Beach with Meg, to the Spa Castle in Queens (sadly, no pics - but this place is a total zoo), to Coney Island for the hot dog eating contest (photos to come!) and to Manhattan for the fireworks (with the prettiest sunset), it was fun and slightly exhausting. But considering that I managed to get my laundry done and work on a painting, I think it was one of those perfect weekends with just the right balance of relaxing, fun, and accomplishments.Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!xoxo **p.s. aren't these kitties the cutest? although, i'd love an explanation for why Caesar loves to sleep on hard shoes? what a weirdo!
Another perfect weekend for the beach! The skies were cloudless, with only a few wisps that floated like the birds. A butterfly kite hung in the sky and some seagulls soared looking for crumbs in the sand. They also left lots of tracks and seemed to walk in circles! A carnival was happening past the parking lot. We walked by some berries hidden in the green bushes, and I had to stop and smell these bright pink hibiscus plants in the street.Absolutely lovely.It may be the last beach weekend of the summer, but at least I captured it in some photos!
I can't believe it's August. I feel like it was yesterday when I was writing that same sentence about July.Summer is flying by and I can tell the seasons are starting to shift. Night falls slightly earlier than it did a few weeks ago. But it all passes so quickly, like this quick tune by Jaymay.What about the summer that's about to fallWhat about the winter that's about to springbtw, if you don't check out Daytrotter - you should. It's a great weekly source of new tunes!**This has been a wonderful summer. Here are some of the ways I've spent the past few weekends...Looking at pretty things......like the ocean...bright colorful umbrellas...
colorful notes...
and lots of flowers...from Long Beach
to Kansas City,
to Union Square.
Looking at rusty things...like fire hydrants...
and train tracks...
Catching quick photos on the train...of buses...
and birds.
People watching...at the beach...
the boardwalk...
and outside the train station.
Yesterday the clouds told me how to have some "hot summer fun"
so I played with some shadows
And left some hearts.
A few weekends left in August. And I plan on spending as much time outside as possible!that said. fall will bring many fun things! (exploring a new neighborhood, football, apple picking, and changing leaves!)Hope you're having a fantastic summer!
Coming from the landlocked states, I love being by water! This summer, I've been going to the beach a bunch! Especially considering that the weather has been great - much better to last summers non-stop rain!Last weekend, we went to Long Beach.It has a fun boardwalk which happened to have an art festival!There were lots of colorful things to look at!Stands that reminded me of my grandmother's house...
and lemonade. :)
I was having fun using my sunglasses as a filter.
The beach was nice and there were many friendly seagulls!
Oh wish I could fly!
There were many colorful umbrellas...
Walking back we saw lots of flowers.
I stubbed my toe walking and taking this photo!
And I imagined living in this pretty house by the sea.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
For the 4th, Afton and I took a midnight train to Montauk. We got there around 4:00 am.
Montauk is literally at the end.
We rushed to the beach to watch the prettiest sunrise.
Some seagulls joined us.
And we played in the sand.
And sent lots of messages to our loved ones!
Shortly after this photo, we both passed out on the beach!
And woke up to a sparkly sea!
And an amazing sky blue sky.
Eventually, we decided to explore the town by bike and saw many things!
We went back to the beach, but this time we weren't alone.
After 12 hours of blasting sun, exploring, and lots of laughing later we finally made it back to the train. Where I caught the sunset on the train. What a perfect day. :)