// flower season is in full bloom and i am loving it. not pictured - devouring the amazing bread and butter and other amazing foods at flatbush farm, but seriously -- the butter. YUM. and the great conversations about life and love and daydreaming about which townhouse all of our friends could live in. ♥♥
My lovely friend, Jeni, invited me to STooPS Bed-Stuy. Here's a bit about the event from their website: STooPS is a community-building event that will use the arts to bring people outside and promote social interaction among artists, homeowners, residents, and businesses of Bed-Stuy. Various Bed-Stuy homeowners will collaborate with local artists to host mini performances and art showcases on their stoops, yards, or sidewalks. At the same time, various local vendors, businesses, and organizations will bring folks together at the events main space, the Freebrook mansion at 375 Stuyvesant. The event will culminate with performances by several Brooklyn based companies and arts organizations. STooPS will unite a community! Not pictured: A quick summer rain, but it did not stop the dancing by the red stairs!
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// this month seemed long, albeit short. i kept referring to it as "forgotten february" because most days were spent watching downton or sleeping thanks to a nagging (and still lingering) cough. but february was not forgotten. many bits were saved on the camera. in no particular order (and not matching the photos) i can say that it was a month of snow. and rain. and then snow (and skiing!) there was a midnight walk through prospect park which included running through a very dark (as in pitch black) tunnel {i screamed}. the cats were equal parts annoying and cute ... caesar has now taken to only drinking out of the faucet and waking to falling objects by a hungry cat knocking them off the mantle definitely tested some patience. pancakes were made the french way and sausage was made by hand. photos of both of these food events to comehere. oh! and there was a delicious delivery from portland. cookies with a message that made me smile. thank YOU dear friend, i also love y-o-u. not pictured: late nights at the office enjoying "mckinsey's"
// i got a new camera (thank you ♥) and it is da. bomb.
These are the days of October...making pisco sours which require an egg white - yes it's safe to drink and oh-my-goodness-it-is-good. on the second night of making these, i was tasked with separating the yolk from the white, a task john thought was "advanced" for me. while hayden had faith i could do it, john was right. ;) // cooking in the apartment // a fall bouquet // a rainy walk in central park after a failed attempt at going to the natural history museum - apparently everyone in nyc had the same idea on the first rainy day in october.
Happy birthday dear friend! :) Apologies for the shaky camera work, but it was a last-minute decision to ask them to sing before ordering my coffee. NYC will miss you. We've sure had some great times, but you will be back to visit, and now there's a reason to revisit Canada!
ivy // a view from a tall apartment in the financial district // morning glories // an afternoon on the fire escape with a lazy kitty, curious kitty, and fast squirrel // bricks and flowers // the Highline // a trip to the little red lighthouse past the george washington bridge, including the kitty by the water...
friday night i participated in citydrift. i set up a blank canvas with art supplies and encouraged everyone to add something. it was fun to see what different people brought to the canvas; some things were recognizable, some not, people painted over things, added to existing things, and so much more. layers upon layers now live on this canvas. at the end of the night, the canvas was cut up and given away.to me, this canvas represents what life can be like. we all have layers upon layers of stories and life and we take bits and pieces with us. there are moments we wish we could freeze and sustain, but there can be real beauty in being fluid with change. to just be with what is. there can also be real beauty in sharing our stories.if you're interested in having a piece of the canvas, let me know and i will gladly give you one. thank you to everyone who participated.
p.s. i forgot to mention that participants were able to paint surrounded by bubbles and balloons... **here are some photos from the event. it started with a beautiful sky...after awhile, we did our own drifting to look at other installations...the night ended with this beautiful installation. this was a man made out of driftwood, filled with thoughts for loved ones we've lost. we were to write a note, fold it up, add it to the man, and seal it with beeswax. it was very moving.** full set
if you're in nyc and looking for something to do on a friday night, consider drifting...*the details of my piece are purposely loose, just show up and....
A few weeks ago, we had some friends come hang out at the Krull-tail apartment. "The pipe" is what Hayden used to share the air conditioning between the two rooms - this made for a very confused kitty. We ate pizza, happend upon a bazaar, ate fried oreos, wandered the neighborhood, and I took photos without autofocusing. They still turned out neat and it was a fun night.
The roses are almost gone, but the hydrangeas are in full bloom. While I love, love, love the flowers; I can't help the nagging feeling of the shift. The summer heat lingers and the golden sun of June isn't quite as bright. The overgrowth of green and turning leaves. The air is hazy... I wish New York fell into the cool fall of the Midwest, but alas this place seems to have two seasons. Cold and Hot with a couple of weeks of Mild in between. But New York makes up in other ways. It's coming on five years of being here. Isn't that crazy?! It's been five years of "being a grown up". So much choice, so many thoughts, and so much change.Apparently their color is based on the pH levels of soil.
Deidre & the Dark1,2,3
Alex Winston