On a rare, warm, not-"February-gray" day, we went to the beach with these two love birds.
Nicole is one of my best friends ever. We met at an art project that I was team leading. She was nice and sweet, so naturally I asked her if she wanted to be friends. I remember volunteering together and getting brunch afterwards. Conversation flowed easily and we were like lightning bouncing ideas and moments off one another. We were both in similar situations of "figuring it out".
Through the years we've been there for each other and have grown so, so much.The memory of talking about real love and if we'd ever find it is still so clear in my mind. We went rollerblading in Central Park and our buns were burning as we climbed that north hill. "When it happens, it will happen like lightning. It will be quick, furious, frightening and wonderful," I told her, in between short breaths. Flying down the hill was always the best part.
A few weeks later, that very thing had happened. It may have taken her a moment to realize it, because one must be cautious when sharing the heart. But the moment I saw them together, I knew he was the perfect match. Both are tiny, with dynamic souls that stretch above and beyond and across time and space. Their love is the kind that shines like the sun. In the same way, you know rays will warm you, I know these two will always find each other. Because they are just meant to be. ❤
p.s. I cannot wait to see your fairy-tale wedding this fall!
//pictured: the last of the ice storms, our new bodega kitty!, an evening at the brooklyn bazaar, a bad day for a crab at the beach, the kick-off for the living room concert series, the best reason to take a slightly longer lunch break, and the ultimate sign that we actually have transitioned to spring. tulips.
not pictured: the dancing empanada at the bb, bringing kitty spa to the bodega and clipping his nails, writing a haiku while picking sea shells, dancing on the empty stage art piece, the amazing talented voices of the performers of the lrcs, girly giggles as we imagined her perfect day, and transitions of the ♥. full set
this is one of the craziest things i've ever seen. i was half expecting an independence-day-type-of-thing to happen while taking this video! since i was talking to myself (continuously exclaiming just HOW weird i thought this was), i decided to edit that out and play some grimes instead. ;)
**while waiting for HT to bring the zipcard (which i stupidly forgot) to unlock the zipcar (awesome club to join), i hung out in the flowerbeds on 65 street where walkers are asked to curb their dogs. i stood dangerously close to the curbs, was almost tripped on several times, and may have put my hand in dog pee once, but couldn't help but look at these pretty flowers. once filled with winter cabbage, our city is now decorated with singing tulips and dancing pansies.who knew that dogs had the best view of the flora and the fauna?
New York is beautiful today.Sunshine abound!This morning, I was a touch late to work - not because I woke up late - in fact, I woke up early!But because I was distracted on my walk to the train...it's hard to believe this same fence was filled with snow a few months ago!
now it seems to sing with love and spring...
**Have a wonderful Tuesday!xo
Signs of spring are everywhere and they make me smile.1. Budding trees on a gray day...2. and a blue day...
3. Leaving work at 7:00 and still seeing daylight (even if it's fading!)
4. Lunch breaks with sunshine, windblown hair, and daydreaming...
5. Daffodils reminding me of my childhood favorites, like Rose Petal
Hope you are having a lovely, spring day. :)**P.S. my co-worker sent this to me and it made me laugh.