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who says new york skies can't sparkle?

While we may not be able to see all of the tiniest stars, once a year these skies definitely light up.Last night we watched the fireworks off a friend's rooftop in Chelsea. We had the perfect view and company! **Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Happy Birthday America!

something sweet

Hello July,Here's a little mix to welcome the fun you will bring.Enjoy.

june skies in brooklyn

I live off Metropolitan Ave in Brooklyn. It's the loudest street I've ever lived on, with its lullaby of rambling trucks full of crates serenading me every night, forcing me to wear ear plugs (yes, truly) and pop a melatonin before entering a REM cycle. While it's hardly the quiet streets of the Upper East Side, it is my favorite place I've lived in New York. I live with my best friend, two cats, and a house full of creativity. Walking along this loud street, it's hard to imagine finding serenity. But the other night, I found it.It hung in the air as I walked towards the sunset to Bedford. It glowed on the buildings with birds enjoying the last bit of sun before the nightfall. It was on the lights of the scaffolding near a construction site. It was with the single red balloon floating through the sky.It was...there.And it was peaceful. And I realized, so was I.**I always wonder how shoes get to these wires. I imagine great stories are behind them. **Goodbye June. I welcome July with it's heat and lazy beach days.

i found waldo at the jazz age lawn party!

amongst many other lovely things...**what a perfect day. taking a trip to a 20s (how i love the clothes from then!) jazz age lawn party with an awesome new friend. great music, great drinks and food (except the line was excruciatingly long - note to self: that daily candy deal was not that great and i think i'll pass in the future!), people watching, dancing, doggies, sunglasses, and vintage galore. plus, it was a great chance to wear that feather piece from brittanie's wedding!hope you all had a lovely weekend!xo

things i'm dreaming of...

running through open skies with butterfliesand flowers...lonely swamp birds...and mountains and forests of color... **these are some new paintings for a small gallery in my hometown Dysart, Iowa! **My new painting class is wonderful. I can't wait to share some of the things I've been working on!

Cats. Carts. Kites. Feathers...

Things from the weekend. As seen through the iPhone...


1252_001"We can never know what to want, because, living only one life, we can neither compare it with our previous lives nor perfect it in our lives to come." - Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of BeingSometimes people say things to us that make us see things with a different lens. All of a sudden light is shed on things you defended or ignored. But it's freeing in a way. It releases the harsh emotions and ill-willed thoughts. You're able to take a breath and say "okay, I get it now." And so you keep moving. Forward, forward, forward. With all of your might. To the things that matter most. A simple realization can bring the lightness back into your step. It helps you laugh and smile. And despite feeling burdened by rejection, you realize serenity comes only from things you can control. That self-love matters most.So, with Kundera in mind if this is the one life I know, I might as well keep doing what I'm doing. I don't know that I'll always get it right, but at least I'm living. And I'm going to chose wisely. Next time around, I'll remember these signs and will protect my heart. But my intentions will remain full of love. Even for those that have hurt me. Even for those things that irritate me (that person that threw their trash on the ground and walked in front of me).Remember compassion. Remain mindful. Remain me.With that, I'm giving myself a little break from this reflection and will enjoy this summer. And what's summer without good music? I am totally loving these bands right now, plus the new Bon Iver (not on this list though) is awesome. Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo 

lunar eclipses and midnight walks

something about full moons and lunar eclipses do not bode well for my heart.but it's no reason to stay inside.the moon and a meowing cat in heat (no seriously) were a perfect recipe for a midnight walk along industrial bridges and buildings.and after the walk. i felt better. i mean, how could i not laugh after imagining ninjas coming out to protect these abandoned buildings?i realized that no matter how much i wished i could stop feeling. how i wished i could change myself to be less of an emotional being.i couldn't. it was we learn to accept things. even if they are beyond our control. and even if we hate them.and we try, so, so, soooo hard to remember love.

Carousels and Molecules

5781291993_21a1d5c982_bsometimes life happens in a way that causes you to push pause. unexpected changes occur. but we heal. and love does come back.Carousel by VanessaCarlton


i've learned that the best way to cure a broken heart is to be with it and all of it's emotions. and maybe someday i'll feel the love part again. but for now.this lil heart has to mend. just one molecule at a time. **"There is no perfection only life" — Milan Kundera,  The Unbearable Lightness of Being 

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hello june

dear june/summer, thank you for bringing longer days. i love the sunsets in general, but especially this time of year, the way the buildings light up like gold. i love the late nights spent working on paintings, three beverages for brunches (coffee, water, mimosas), and impromptu saturday plans. i love the flowers and flitting hummingbirds in the shakespeare garden and amazing vegan brunches (blossom - 82 and columbus ave) and happy cats and playing with my camera. life is good. i know it's ever-changing and that's so, so sooooo scary, but i'm learning that's okay. as long as i'm laughing and loving, i'll be alright.**june 103june 090june 216june 205 june 182 

love notes

random acts of kindness always cheer me up. perhaps it was because i missed the guerilla glee club last night, but i was in a foul mood. i was mad for not knowing how to write a good project plan and having one of those "life moments".but this morning i was reminded that it's the little things that matter.*a person offering their seat to an older woman*** a big sister holding her little brother's hand as he enters the train. "watch your step!" she says...*****genuine smiles from strangers***sometimes i need those reminders. to look outside of myself. to look at the people around me and remember that they are just as human as i am. filled with emotions and sometimes flawed. those those reminders help me remember that while i can't control everything (and even though sometimes it takes two, three, seven times to get it right - GFD) that it's all worth it.because this life. is all we know.**which is why, i decided to leave some love notes on the train this morning.perhaps they'll be reminders to others. **happy friday folks! have a fan-tab-u-lous weekend!and remember to love. ;)xo 

some bits of a lovely weekend

Hooray for longer days, warm sunshine, pretty flowers, tasty brunches, great friends, exciting news, butter lane cupcakes, sangria on patios, evening light, and furry creatures! (you'll notice our latest kitty now has a new friend!)mem day 048mem day 050mem day 072mem day 073mem day 096mem day 154mem day 167Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and happy beginning of summer!i can't wait for beach days!xo

through the fence

i love this little garden on my way to the train. i just wish there wasn't a locked fence, but that doesn't stop me from taking photos. if i see a pretty flower begging for attention, you'll find me reaching over the fence to take it's photo or just looking through the fence.IMG_5804IMG_5803IMG_5799IMG_5798IMG_5797IMG_5801IMG_5802

from the class... my wallsour last class is today. i have loved every minute of it. while i was consistently late (job), i only missed a class once and stayed until the end most nights. i think my style is evolving (which is exciting!) and i can't wait for my next summer class!here are the paintings i produced in this class - note that some of them may get some final touches, but for now, they are complete.IMG_5825IMG_5824ladderbirds1egret1_finalegret1_detail2egret1_detailcolordripsbeautifulmess_1beautifulmess_detailunicornIMG_5839gray-in progresshillsIMG_5842tornado_detailhouses1houses_detail1shouses_detail4shouses_detail5sIMG_5865


or cat.. or buddy.. or irving... his name changes by the day because we can't figure out the best name for him, but sneakers is the name that the shelter named him.this little fur ball is the newest addition to the list of the cats of my life and my awesome new apartment in brooklyn. i moved out of my shoebox apartment earlier this year and now have an amazingly HUGE room in williamsburg which allows me to do wonderful things like paint, play piano, and dance's lovely.isn't he darling?he loves his cousin and sister cats:

  • lavi
  • winston
  • lola
  • sheamus
  • henry
  • hades
  • sweetie
  • and all the other cats of the world! :)

the weekend is almost here, perhaps i will work on the cats of my life painting!

coloring the sky

it's always nice to add some color to the sky...and flying kites is the perfect way to do this! (that and releasing confetti or balloons!)except when they you enlist the help of friends to lift them back up.except sometimes, the only way to do this is by running ~ even if it's through another's might even make some new friends...those impressed with the kite that seems to fly by itself.curiosity brings many questions and excited eyes..."where is the string?"IMG_5759hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

please curb your dog.

**while waiting for HT to bring the zipcard (which i stupidly forgot) to unlock the zipcar (awesome club to join), i hung out in the flowerbeds on 65 street where walkers are asked to curb their dogs. i stood dangerously close to the curbs, was almost tripped on several times, and may have put my hand in dog pee once, but couldn't help but look at these pretty flowers. once filled with winter cabbage, our city is now decorated with singing tulips and dancing pansies.who knew that dogs had the best view of the flora and the fauna?


This was a horrible week. One of those weeks where I wish I could have crawled up under a blanket of petals.Thankfully, it's the weekend!isn't spring beautiful?Happy Friday!xo

fish birthday greetings

**HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIENDS! :)melanie *today*amy *may 9*and to my dearest Georgia Peach *april 30*our darling peach isn't old enough to know what a blog is yet,  but at least it's internet stamped so some day she'll know i didn't forget!and for those other May birthdays out there...Happy birthday to you. Birthdays are awesome....roommate birthday greetings to come soon...**HAPPY FRIDAY FOLKS! WE MADE IT!xoxo

morning shadows

on my walk to the train as seen through my phone.these fleeting shadows are the best around 8:35 am**Happy Thursday. We made it over the hump!This playlist has been keeping me moving and shaking this morning!